Beautiful Saturday, Nov. 12, 2011

2 weeks til Thanksgiving!!  I'm ready for some turkey, dressings, and all the other stuff that comes with it.

Today my little grandson, Andrew, is one month old!! Isnt' he the cutest? He has the sweetest smiles. We will hopefully be going to see him next weekend.

I've been in a bit of a funk lately. Barely getting the necessities done. Something has to change. I determined today that I would get some cleaning done. So far I've gotten the bathroom scrubbed, swept and mopped. Now I'm working my way thru the hall into the kitchen.
I'm taking a break right now. Getting dizzy is not good when you are trying to clean.

It was down right chilly the past couple nights, down in the 20s night before last. Today is warmer and the sun is shining so nicely. I even have a window or two open.

Well, I'll get back to my cleaning.


Paula said…
Awwww... he is a cutie-pie! I know you can't wait to see him.
I need to be doing some scrubbing too, but I just can't find my cleaning mojo today, darn it. *hehe*

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