enough of the cold!

ok, thats all the complaining about the cold temps I'll do. But I am longing for a nice sunny spot to sit in for awhile. Warm my weary bones.

The colder temps and staying indoors more has been causing some sinus infections/headaches. The air here in our house is dry-we've been runnign a humidifyer day and night. At work I have a little personal size one I bought at wally world. It's does help. But it is still so dry. Adn at work it is soo dusty! no telling what is floating thru the air there.
I've read about sinus irrigation, sprays, netipots, etc., so when I went to pick up my meds I saw a netipot and decided to give one a try. So weird!! But it does feel good. You have to hold your head just right to get it to go thru one side to the other. Here's the website for the one I bought. I didnt' know it was endorsed by Oprah and Dr. Oz. Not that it matters, I'm sure they all work the same

The cheesecake I made for my son's birthday turned good! I've made it several times before but I think this one was the best. I'll post the recipe later this week.

~~til later


Unknown said…
I agree. Enough of this cold! Bring on the heat, at least that's my opinion!
Hope you will soon feel better and I hope it gets a little warmer also! Can't wait for the cheesecake recipe! blessings,Kathleen
Anonymous said…
It was almost 50 degrees today! I've never used a neti pot, but have heard they are great.

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