Wonderful Wednesday

It has been another cool(er) day. Nice breeze. I love the breezes this time of yr.

I have all the windows open, the fans going. I know when the guys get home, they'll be sayin, it's hot in here!. Well, I'm sorry, I wanted fresh air.
This picture was taken a couple yrs ago, later in the yr. Won't be long til the leaves will be turning.
Took my son to the orthodontist this morning. He has to have his wisdom teeth and a top baby tooth-that never came out on its on-taken out. Alot is involved and it's quite expensive. He'll have to have the baby tooth pulled, braces put on the top so that some space can be created in order to place a bond on the permanant tooth-which is still in the gum and will, hopefully work down thru the gum-and get it worked down into place. Not sure when the wisdom teeth will be pulled (one of them is impacted) and braces put on the bottom. Oh, he'll have to have a tooth pulled on the bottom in order to make some room. It will be a couple yrs process. He does not want braces but I don't see that he has the choice.
To say the least, I'm a bit overwhelmed with it all-this, my surgery, winter coming-oil to buy for heat, ds's car insurance. Alot to pray about, that's for sure.
I know it will all work out. Just need to sit down and do some figuring.
Well, I'm off to find something to do.


Trish said…
Patty, you're picture is lovely! We've been having cooler temps here too! I haven't had my air on since last Friday! Woohoo!!

I know what you mean about all the dental work. My daughter had braces, 4 teeth pulled to go along with that, one permanant tooth that never came in which resulted in the need for a bridge. They wanted to do an implant but there wasn't room between the nerves. I joke that there's enough money in her mouth to buy a new car! LOL
Barb Davis said…
I love the photo! Reminds me of East Tennessee.

I still need your address. I have sent the gifts to the other winners and I want to send yours, too. I think you'll really like it. Barbara
Mary L. Briggs said…
What a beautiful photo. I'm looking forward to seeing some fall color in another month or so!
I'm like you, I like the house open as much as possible whenever the weather permits.

I'll keep you guys in my prayers!

Anonymous said…
The color is gorgeous! I love it!
Paula said…
Hey there, Patty!
I love the new color of your blog!
It's been so nice to have the humidity down a little hasn't it? I opened up all the windows in my house too... it smells so much better in here now!
I can't wait for fall!
KKJD1 said…
Love your fall pic its my fav time of year. I to opened the windows yesterday. Patty, I will be praying everything goes smoothly and your finances will be in order too. Have a great day! Blessings, Karen
Hi Patty, just loved the picture. I found your sweet comment on my blog and was do glad you came to visit! So enjoyed visiting here! blessings, Kathleen
KKJD1 said…
Hey Patty, I have a favor to ask. Ms Linda over at Behind My Red Door is having a great Fall giveaway and I know you love fall like me so if you have time and are interested please go by my blog and get the link to her blog. Then go over and leave her a comment and let her know I sent you and I can get extra credit and you get registered for the givaway too. If you dont want to dont worry about it it wont hurt my fellings one bit. Thanks Karen

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