rambling thoughts
It's Wednesday morning. I'm sitting here with so many thoughts running around in my head, each one trying to be the first in line, tripping over each other, pushing, shoving.
Ever have times like this? They seem to be coming more frequently lately. I'll blame it on fibro fog, perimenipause or just plain being a blonde (sorry. no offense to blondes out there.)
My birthday is coming up soon. I was thinking all this time that I was going to be 43. I've even told people that I was going to be 43. Well, I received a birthday card from a dear friend since highschool. Her birthday was yesterday, we are the same age or will be on my birthday. Guess what!?!? She asked me how 44 felt!!!! What? Wait! That's right. I was born in 1964, this is 2008, so subtract 1964 from 2008 and you get 44!!! That was truly a shock to me. Thank you, dear friend for reminding me of the truth.
We woke yesterday morning to find the birdfeeder on the ground. A bear, again. It hasn't been around in several weeks. I was thinking he/she was finding enough food in the woods by now. But, apparently not. My dear hubby had worked so hard the past couple days, replacing the post, getting a new bracket. I could just picture that bear in my mind, sitting in the woods, watching, snickering to itself, just waiting til it got dark, so he could tear the bracket off the post (yes, the screws were completely torn out at the top) and have a feast of the birdseed. Now there is no seed for the birds. Poor things are sitting on top of the post, fussing, wanting their breakfast.
lol!! Dh and I were just talking the other day about getting a squirrel proof feeder. I wonder if they make one that is bear proof.
I work in a retail shop in the mall. Our local technical college has a place there where you can take classes. A lady that teaches a computer literacy class there came in to the shop last night and was telling me about it . She said that the next class starts in 2 weeks, on Tues. nights-6 to 9. And the best part is it's FREE!!! It will go for 8 weeks. So, I got her to sign me up. Now I just need to talk with my manager to see if she will not schedule me for Tues. nights. Maybe I can work in the morn, til 5 or so, go grab something to eat and then go onto class.
I really feel this is a God send. I've been wanting to take a computer class for awhile but, time and money seem to get in the way. This would work out great. Yippee!!
I really feel this is a God send. I've been wanting to take a computer class for awhile but, time and money seem to get in the way. This would work out great. Yippee!!
Well, that's all for now.
~~til later