
Gina over at wanted me to do this, so, here goes.

Two things I'm wearing right now--green khaki capris and a green floral shirt

Two of my favorite things today--hot coffee and Tylenol, works great on a headache.

Two favorite pets I have had--"Harley", a black and white kitty I had when I was still at home and "Oscar"-an oscar fish that quickly out grew our 20 gallon tank. He was so much fun to watch, especially when we would hold a mirror up to the tank.

Two people I hope will fill this out--Robin at robinrobin and Beth at My Red River Home

Two things I want at the moment--to quit feeling woozy (from the headache) and a nice, slow, steady rain.

Two things I did last night-- had great fellowship with the "family" at church and read in bed

Two things I ate last night--homemade ice cream and pound cake

Two people I last talked to--my dear hubby and son

Two things I'm doing tomorrow--I have not clue, it's my birthday, have nothing planned. Oh, except going to see my mom and uncle

Two farthest trips I've taken in the past 5 yrs--Little Rock, Arkansas and Tampa, Florida

Two favorite holidays--Christmas and Thanksgiving

Two favorite beverages--water and Starbucks coffee w/ half and half

Two names I go by--Honey and momma


Anonymous said…
Hello Patty! :)
Two things I'm wearing right now--Blue capris and pink & blue striped shirt.

Two of my favorite things today--My girlies and my hubby

Two favorite pets I have had: Meg, our Toy Poodle and our cat, Daisy.

Two things I want at the moment-- to go to Whole Foods and have our own land

Two things I did last night-- watched t.v. and ate dinner

Two things I ate last night-- Eggs & toast

Two people I last talked to-- My two girlies

Two things I'm doing tomorrow- Hmmm, relaxing inside after doing yardwork all day today and, ummm, eating? lol

Two farthest trips I've taken in the past 5 years:
Washington D.C. & Indiana
Two favorite holidays--Christmas and Thanksgiving

Two favorite beverages--water and Raspberry wine

Two names I go by- Robin and Mommy

Happy happy early birthday!! Hugs, Robin

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