
How is your day going?
My day has been a bit lazy. Just one of those days when I'm feeling kinda blah.
But it has been a good day.
I had some house work-never ending laundry, dishes, etc-to do and I've gotten the potato salad and the Chocolate Eclair cake made for tonight. Dh has been manning the smoker--he wanted ribs along with our grilled burgers.
We had a good shower earlier. Thank You, God for that rain. We are soo dry. Our grass is dying, our little creek is down to a trickle. I'm sorry to see that.
Well, my dear son is now a licensed driver. He is off now to pick up his cousin to go swimming.
He said its weird to leave the house by himself. I know what he means!
When did this little guy suddenly become a young man?
After we eat, we'll go into town to watch the fireworks. I do hope that it wont' rain again til afterwards.
Our daughter and her husband are at the coast this weekend, visiting friends there. They are going to be watching the fireworks from off shore tonight. That would be neat.
~~til later.
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