end of week and a couple giveaways

It's been a rather long week. I'm tired tonight cuase I had to close last night and open this morning. My body is telling me it's had enough. I'm glad to be off tomorrow.
Dh and I are going to pick some blueberries-free for the picking. Can't beat that. I hope to get at least 3 gallon. They will probably go into the freezer, later to be made into jam. Or I may make a run tomorrow, according to how much time I have.
I know I'll have to make a blueberry cheesecake. Yum!! I just thought about blueberry sour cream pancakes!! Oh, my!!

'sigh' DD sent a couple listings of houses close to her for sale. I would love to live closer to her but it just isn't possible. Unless God shows us otherwise.

I've never really entered giveaways before until this week and I've entered several. They are such fun!!

Here are a couple that I thought ya'll would be interested in.

The first one is here- http://farmgirlingastyle.blogspot.com/2008/08/book-giveaway-5.html , Karen is giving away a Christmas, Craft, Food & Decorating Idea book. Christmas will be here before we know it.

And the other giveaway is here-- http://behindmyreddoor.blogspot.com/2008/08/its-give-away-time.html
I love this. If you go there, let her know I sent you and I get an extra entry!
Fall is probly my favorite time of the yr., Christmas is right up there with it, too.

have a wonderful weekend!!


I have to say I'm drooling here over all your blueberry ideas! The pancakes sound delicious for this morning! And FREE sounds even better!

Thanks so much for your comments on my blog! Your encouragement was so much appreciated!

KKJD1 said…
Thanks so much for posting my giveaway on your blog! I sure hope you get good and rested this weekend. Blessings, Karen
Anonymous said…
I want some of those berries!!
Have a great day today Patty!!

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