terrific Tuesday

It is a beautiful morning. Another hot day.
I've been sitting here listening to the crows. They make so many different calls. I enjoy listening to them talk to each other.
There was a pair of purple finches on the feeder this morning. So pretty.

Thankfully, I'm feeling better this morning. Which is good, cause I have to work today.

I did get alot accomplished yesterday. I've been trying to get some decluttering done. So far, I've taken some books to the thrift store, decluttered my Avon, and last night I shredded a trash bag full of old bills, receipts, etc. It feels so good to get something like this accomplished.
On my list next is school books we no longer need and then my sewing room. I want to get it rearranged into a better set up and start getting some sewing done. I have some material already to go to make baby quilts for a childrens home. I have yarn and crochet cotton to match, tie them off with.

Well, my breakfast is gone, so it's time to get up and get on with the day.


Anonymous said…
I haven't seen a purple finch in many years. The last time I did, I was so tickled. The finch was on the front lawn eating dandelion seeds right off the stalk. I've taken a kindlier view of dandelions since.
Our bird population has moved to other parts of the neighborhood because so many trees and shrubs have been cut down in the surrounding lots. I feel like the evil, bad homeowner because we have chosen to keep our two 50 year old maples. Unfortunately the wind blows the leaves and seeds all over my neighbors' now treeless properties.

Barb Davis said…
So glad you're feeling better!! And a purple finch...surely God's way of blessing you this morning. What a treat! I don't recall ever seeing one in my entire life.
Juri said…
Decluttering is something I have to do and, hopefully, you have inspired me to get with it! You mentioned the crows, which reminded me of an incident last year. We saw a few crows, then more, then more...and before you knew it, we had approximately 300 crows sitting in our trees!! It was creepy, actually, like the movie "The Birds". They sure made a lot of noise! They hung out for about three weeks, then moved on!


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