I was browsing blogs this morning and found a giveaway!!

Is this not cute or what?? I love snowmen!


This lady is so creative. I love her crafts.

I posted the other day about finding some balance between work and home. Several commented on making lists. My problem with making lists or a plan is actually using them! lol!!
Not much good if you don't.
So, I decided last night that I would again try them.
I sat down with pencil and paper, made a list of each room in my house, what needs to be done on a daily, wkly, monthly, etc., basis.
Then I've started a daily schedule. I know that this is something that I'm going to have to work on, redo, many times over.
I think the first thing that I need to work on is my morning routine. This is an old song with me. I enjoy my mornings, I'm up fairly early but I can't seem to get going and I'm still trying to get going at 10 or later.
So, this is definielty something I need to work on. I admire people who get up, get dressed, and are ready for the day. My dh is like that. No matter what is going on that day, he's up and ready for it.
Here is my routine as it stands now-
up, usually before dh, take meds, make coffee, turn on tv, drink coffee, dh gets up, off to work, ds-up off to work. This is usuallywhen I have my devo time. I make my breakfast, get on computer and I'm there (here) til 10 or so. Then I shower, start my day.

What is your morning routine?

~~til later


Joanne said…
Adorable! How nice to be talented with crafts like that.
KKJD1 said…
Went over and entered in the drawing thanks for sharing. About the schedule. Dont really have one just take it as it comes! Blessings, Karen
Julie said…
Hey, Patty!
I just wanted to tell you, Thank you, for your sweet comment, today.

I wasn't surprised at the election, but I was, in fact, disappointed and even depressed.
But I still have hope and His name is Jesus. I kept thinking how blessed we are in that we have Him -- always Him.
As I've read a few of the blogs, tonight -- fellow Christians -- I was feeling even worse. Until, I read your comment on my blog.
I can't tell you how much I needed that. We must shine our lights for Him -- our Lord! Now, maybe more than ever.
I've already told the children, that Mommy will have her good days where I see the Truth and the clarity of Hope and then.... I'll have my too human days where I;m going to be down. But, we, as Christians, must lift each other up and remind each other of the Hope and the One that provides that Hope -- not depress and scare each other. That isn't helping anyone..... it's just wrong, so very wrong.

Again, Thank you so much!
Anonymous said…
My day starts with coffee, the news, and getting the kids off to school. I love to make lists-but like you sometimes have trouble following them :)
Having a daily schedule helps a lot! The difficult part is sticking to it of course. :)

I see you also have the habit of turning on the tv in the morning. That's something I used to do and it would always distract me and slow me down. Now, I only put on the morning news for 30 minutes or so while cleaning up the kitchen and then I turn it off until the evening.

Many sweet blessings!
Unknown said…
Balance is impossible these day: blending is the more accurate term it seems. Or maybe a combination.
Hi Patty, I just stopped by to thank you for coming over to "visit" me today and for adding me to your blog list.

How sweet of you! :)
Paula said…
This sounds familiar, Patty- I need to make a schedule to make better use of my time... but it usually goes out the window. LOL
I too have a hard time getting started before 10:00 lately... I usually feed the animals after Hubby leaves for work (before 7:00 am) but once I come inside and pour me a cup of coffee and turn the computer on, I'm history for a couple of hours!
Terri Tiffany said…
Your life sounds so cozy!!

My morning starts with emails and blogging, then breakfast and a little housework before I dive into my writing!

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