It's Tuesday already

and I still don't have the decorations up. I worked towards it on Saturday but time just got away from me.
I did get some things accomplished-you know the things you do that you can't tell were done when you got finished.

Saturday evening dh and I went to the Christmas parade here in our little town. I have to say I was a bit disappointed. It just wasn't a very lively parade. But it was fun. We stood out there, bundled in layers, freezing our bunz off, drinking coffee and spiced cider.
Afterwards we got a tree, which is now in our living room. I've gotten 3 (300) sets of lights on there but need to get another before I can do any more.

Dh and I are going to town tonight!!! His suggestion!!! That makes it even more special.
Do some shopping. get something to eat. Fun, Fun.

I'll have another Christmas memory for ya later this week. I wish I had pictures to go along with it.


Mary L. Briggs said…
I'm still working on my decorations, too! I think I get slower every year, LOL! We didn't make it to our town's Christmas parade. It only lasts about 5 minutes, so sometimes we skip the drive!

I'm having a giveaway over on my blog, so come on over and join in!

Joanne said…
I've been seeing a few Christmas parades on the blogs lately, what a nice idea. We don't have anything like that here, but they seem charming.
Paula said…
*SIGH* I still haven't got around to my decorating either.... too much to do this week- maybe Saturday! (I hope!)
Julie said…
Were your bunz freezing, Miss Patty? Too funny!
We missed our little parade and I'm just sick about it, because it's our first year in this little town and we really wanted to make it. We went to Texas, instead.
We loved that visit, too. It's tradition for us and didn't want to miss it -- so we missed our parade instead. You just can't do everything, huh?!?! (stomping my feet with my eyes squenched up!)

I'm also VERY late with our decorating. I've been piddling with it for a couple of weeks, but... I'm so disappointed with myself.

Blessings and Merry Christmas!

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