It's Friday!

March is almost over already! Can you believe that 2009 is almost 4 mo old?

I was reading my last post and boy! has alot happened since then.

I won't bore you with all the details, I'll just say I feel like I'm Peter trying to walk on the water and all those waves are crashing against him. I know tho that Jesus is right there with His hand outstretched to help me walk over them. I just have to take His hand and quit trying to do it by myself.

The flu finally caught up with me. Started out as just a sore throat and escalated from there. Took all my energy. But thankfully, feeling better

We have had some much needed rain this week, thankfully no flooding like some areas. My thoughts and prayers go out to those people who are having to deal with the cold as well as flooding.

Things are starting to bud out and bloom here. The grape hyacinths are blooming, they are so cute! Our pear trees and yellowbells (forsythia) are blooming. The grass is growing and soon dh will be busy, busy keeping it neat and trim.
He's already busy planting some things.

A pair of chickadees are building their home in our bird house. They are busy going back and forth.

Thanks to those of you who still come by and comment. I've not been a very good blogger lately.

~~til later


KKJD1 said…
Praying for you, I know exactly how you feel. Like when Peter looked down and started to sink he cried out to Jesus to help. The problem is we(me) always think that I can do it myself and wait until the water is over my head to call out for his help. If I didnt wait so long things wouldnt get this bad probably. My daddy always has said I was hard headed!
Glad you are feeling better. Hope you have a good weekend. Blessings,Karen
So good to see you posting again. I hope you will soon feel much better. Blessings,Kathleen
Terri Tiffany said…
Welcome back! I had that same crud and it took a good two weeks for it to go away. Not fun!
Paula said…
I haven't been a very good blogger either, Patty, so don't feel bad!!
I'm sorry you've been having such a trying time- but hang in there!
Gina said…
I know what you mean Patty! My posts are sporadic too! Once in a blue moon someone will stop by and leave me a message or comment... but my blog is really about my memories so I keep plugging away~ My life doesn't give me the free time to participate in all of the extra blogging activities so for now... it's just me and my "faithfuls"! :)

I'm glad you are feeling better... and pray that all of the other problems will be straightened out soon as well!

tipper said…
Sorry you've been sick-but glad you're feeling better!!
Mary L. Briggs said…
So glad you are feeling better. That flu is just awful!

Isn't spring looking lovely?! Have a great week.
KKJD1 said…
Just wanted to let you know I'm having a giveaway, please come by when you can. Blessings,Karen
I'm sorry you've been sick, but hope you're feeling better now. Spring has sprung here in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Western North Carolina with the Bradford pear trees, jonquils, and tulips blooming. Welcome Spring! It's been a hard, cold winter.
Hope you have a blessed Easter.
Please vist my blog at:
Anonymous said…
hey Patty!!! haven't talked with you in a while, been missing you. I have tagged you for a blog on "Life Is Grand"! Come on over to skeeter creek and check it out.

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