Homekeepers Journal 02/09/2010

Sylvia at http://christianhomekeeper.org/ hosts the Homekeepers Journal.
I've read them but thought that I'd never participate, my life isnt' that interested, I'd never be able to put down my thoughts as others would. But I decided to try it. Even tho I work outside my home, I'm a homekeeper at heart. I enjoy keeping my home, not so much the cleaning part of it (and if you come by at any given time you'd see that's true) but I do enjoy it.
So here goes-

What’s happening in my home~~
I'm home for awhile, as of yesterday, in between jobs. We are suppose to be getting some more wintry mix sometime, dont' see anything yet. I'm getting over another bout of sinus/cold stuff. I've been drinking organic apple cider vinegar 'toddies' and I do beleive that is why it hasnt' turned into infection. I've been making a tea of ginger root and addign the acv to it along w/some honey. It really isnt' too bad a taste.

In my kitchen~~
I'll be putting together a chicken casserole from some leftover chicken for our supper. I also have 2 bags of Rome apples (bought one bag myself and a fella gave dh the other bag. Bought at our local store for $1 a bag!), thinking of an apple/walnut cake, maybe putting the rest in the dehydrator. I'm thinking fried apple pies!!

With our marriage~~
This marriage thing takes alot of work!! We will celebrate out 24th wedding anniversary on February 20th!!! Wow!! Really?? There have been ups and downs, times I've wondered what would happen but I know that it is by God's Grace and our faith in Him that has brought us thru those times. You know what? I've been thinking and doing some praying lately--my prayer is God would grow my love for my husband. I want to grow old with him, I want to love him with a love that hurts, I want us to be companions, friends, I want to see him as God sees him, I want to be able to look past those things he does that irritates me to no end and see the good in him. He is a good man. And I'll need to come back to this post and read what I've written, to remind myself, when those times come when I'm wondering once again, why did I do this?

With our children~~
Our 19 yr old son is working w/his dad right now but needs to be looking for a different job. He worked Saturday for a tree service, helping to clear some trees in a town that was hit hard last week with an ice storm. He has a job w/ him but I'm not too sure he wants to take it. I'm not too sure I want him to either. It is a dangerous job. I watched soem of that show about loggers on tv.
We will be going to TN this weekend, if weather permits, to see our daughter and sil. I miss that girl.

Around the homestead~~
It is a winter mess out there. Snow and mud, limbs, twigs from the ice we had last weekend. The birds have really had to fight with the squirrels and the crows to get to the feeder.

In my “Inner Man”~~
Seems lately that 'renewing of your mind' has been coming to me in one form or another. Realizing that past regrets and failures have no place in my future. That I need to accept what is and move on.
Sylvia had this to say in her post-another reminder
What is your Inner Man? In 2 Corinthians 4 Paul gives us a clue about what he means when he says “the inner man”. In that scripture he says that “our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day” (4:16 KJV). So for Christians even though there is something about us that is getting old, decaying and deteriorating and dying..there is also something about us that is growing, becoming more alive, richer and stronger every day we live and follow Christ. That is what Paul calls our “inner man.”

Sometimes you pray for something, you get what you think is that answer but in the end it doesnt' work out. This past Novemeber I went into a M-F job after being in retail for 2 yrs, after praying, having my church pray, thinking this was what God had for me. But the 2nd week I got a sinus infection and have been sick since, on 4 different antibiotics, sinus headaches turnign into migraines, having to go to the dr to get a shot of phenygrine to ease the sickness so I could keep the meds for the headache down. It has not been fun. The place I worked was so dirty-computers w/dust and who knows how long it had been since the keyboards had been wiped down. The temps varied from hour to hour-so hot, stifling, oppresive, stale air. I know there was something in there that triggered this sickness.
So that is why I'm home, looking for another place of employment.

So, I'm off to see what I can get into.
~~til later


Paula said…
Wonderful post, Miss Patty! I'm sorry you've been under the weather- but maybe God is just "resting" you until a better job comes along.
The thought of fried apple pies makes my mouth water... please save one for me!
I really liked your entry Patty! Praying that the perfect job comes along! I finally got my entry up, you can come see it here:
What a wonderful idea for a journal. So sorry you are not well and I hope you find a better work place. blessings,Kathleen
Mary L. Briggs said…
I love this post, Patty. Made me think about a lot of things~we have much in common!
Tipper said…
Nice to peek into someone else's life-especially yours : ) I hope you get over the sickness-and bet it was something at the job that started it all.
Pat said…
Hi Patty! Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. It means a lot to get a new visitor and a comment is just icing on the cake!
I love this post! It's so pure and real. We have a lot in common. I've been married 44 years and let me tell you.. a lot of praying went on to get here today! I just wanted to quickly share a turning point in my marriage with you. I stopped praying for God to change those things that irritated me about my husband and instead asked God to change ME. To make me accept him more graciously and in so doing, God would take care of my husbands needs. Since then my prayer has been, "change me Lord, make my heart more like yours". It really works!
I'll be back...have a great day!
Enjoyed my visit to your blog...I had to laugh at the number of married years you all had...wait until you hit 62 (we will this May) You wonder where the time really went..and you look at your children who are aging too!..ginny

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