Homekeeper's Journal

Sylvia at Christian Homekeeper says "The Homekeeper’s Journal is a way for you to write down your thoughts about life. Writing is a great way to come to an understanding about yourself and your world. Keeping a journal can be difficult to do when you are a busy mom and wife, but this journal will give you a way to keep track of your thoughts and will give you some writing prompts so that you will have inspiration for writing.:

I'm not a 'homekeeper' as most think of one because I work outside my home, but my heart is there.  It's hard for me to get my thoughts down on paper, hard to desribe what I'm feeling, thinking, wanting, etc. 

Here’s What’s Happening ………….

In My Kitchen ……we purchased a new refrigerator this week!!  I love it!  It's a side by side, which means crushed ice and filtered water.  Squee!!  Dh had to do a bit of remodeling of the cabinets in order for it to fit.  Now I dont' have water in the floor or water that has dripped all over the food inside. 

On My Mind ….. Whew!  Too much to mention here.  Struggles within myself, struggles at church, struggles here in my home. 

One Big Goal For This Week …. I'm not good at making goals.  Don't have enough confidence in myself to think I will reach them.  So, maybe that will be a goal~~to set a goal and determine within myself to do it!  I have some 'homework' to do, some serious stuff that requires alot of thinking, praying and digging deep into myself.  I will set that as my goal~~to take 20 min. a day and work on this.     

Something I Would Like To Do …. I have something I've been wanting to do for awhile now, a ministry of sorts.  I need to take some steps to get this going.  It's something I enjoy doing and doing it for someone in need will make it that much more enjoyable. 

It Means A Lot To Me …… when the friendship I try to show others is genuinely returned to me. Sometimes I feel that I'm "casting my pearls before the swine" so to speak.  I've tried my best to be a friend, to be friendly to someone.  Do I continue or do I wipe my feet clean of them?  I long for a genuine friendship. 

I am looking forward to …… picnics, cookouts, camping, wading thru the shallow (very shallow ;) ) edge of the river. Looking forward to what God has in store for me, my family, my dear husband and I as we start thru these 'empy nest' years.   

On the Back Burner of my mind …… getting our finances under control, health issues that need to be addressed but right now will have to wait. 


Anonymous said…
Hi Patty...thank you for your comment on my blog about the Raggedy Ann! I will clothe her soon...LOL

Hey, my DD2 just had to get a new refrigerator this past week. She has 4 little children, so they just got a regular size slightly dented on top refrig. She had returned home to find her big side by side had died!

I love those questions you asked yourself and shared with us. I think I will borrow them to answer on my blog if that is okay with you? I hear your heart...and I will pray that the LORD will open your inner heart enough to examine things and 'hear' your answer from the LORD!

Keep in touch.
Sylvia said…
Patty thank you so much for participating in the Homekeeper's Journal. I really enjoyed reading your answers. I think you are definitely a Homekeeper! Every woman who works in her home is a Homekeeper.
Love you
Trish said…
I agree with you about the goals. I can set goals with the best of them... reaching them is another story! So much to work on.

I enjoy hearing about your days and if we lived closer I'm sure we'd be good friends. ;-)
Great post Patty! I finally had a chance to come and comment, although I read it a few days ago! Take care!
Marg said…
Nothing like a new appliance to cheer a woman up. ;)
I enjoyed reading your journal entry.
Loved reading! I agree.........writing in a journal is so rewarding! Blessings,Kathleen
Paula said…
That was a wonderful post, Patty!
Hope you are doing well and staying cool!
Alecia said…
What a wonderful post!!!!!! I say go for the "ministry of sorts"!!!! I LOVED reading your posts!!!!

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