This summer is proving to be just as hot as the winter was cold. But I remember saying in those winter months that when it was 90* outside I would not complain, so... I won't complain. But I will say I'm enjoying my air conditioner more this yr. than I ever have.

Another thing I'm enjoying is my ice maker/water dispensor on our new refrigerator. I'm drinking lots more water, I keep a cup w/lid and straw with me most of the time. I like to put either a slice of lemon in it or some tea bags, mostly green tea.
My husband is enjoying the fishing, as you can see. This is at our local lake. It's a nice, relaxing area, with a picnic shed, play area for the kids, and a .5 mi. walking trail around. Lots of ducks and geese. I enjoy going there late evenings to walk.
I enjoyed a nice chat over the phone with my daughter this evening. Seems like they don't happen often enough.
Off to enjoy the rest of the evening.
What are ya'll enjoying most this summer?
I'm glad you got to talk with your daughter. My daughter doesn't live far away, but since she got married I sure do miss her.