
Finally getting around to a post!  I tried to post the other night and I just could not get my words straight in my brain. 

Lots have been going on in "there".  I remember seing a Ziggy cartoon that said something to the affect that he has finally gotten it all together....now if he could remember where he put it.  That is me alot of times. 

A few things that I've been pondering  is the state of my home.  Thru years of depression, working, just not being organized, my home has suffered.  I'm trying to work on that.  As with anything, it didnt' get this way overnight and it won't be fixed overnight.
Baby steps.  Taking 15 min or even less, and doing one thing. It really is amazing how quickly you can get something done, if you just get started and stick with it.

Joel 2:25

"And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpiller, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you." 
I've read this scripture before but God really brought it to light last week.  I've lost so many yrs because of depression, etc., I've given those yrs back to God, and I'm looking forward to seeing what He makes of them.  I can't restore them, I cant' go back and redo what's been done or do what should have been done. 
"Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ"  "All things work together for good to them that love the Lord, that are called according to His purpose".  

The pictures I have here of my goodies I found at yard sales on Saturday.  Dh and I took off early, had a wonderful day together.  I got all this, including the glass jar and didn't spend over $10!!  The pink gingham is about 10 yds and I paid 50 cents for it.  Plan to use it to back baby quilts.  The embroidered piece~~I bought two others similar to it from the same lady a few yrs ago.  My plan is to use them on a pillow but I may take her suggestion and frame them. She said her mother had made them.  They would look really pretty in my bathroom. 
I love doilies.  I have several, some I've crocheted, some from my mom and an aunt.  This one is so cute, only about 5 in in diameter. 

Off to work
~~til later


Unknown said…
I love that needlework. Reminds me that I have a needlework piece somewhere around here that my grandma made. I saved it to frame someday.

Unknown said…
That's a beautiful little piece! Reminds that I have a piece that my grandma made that I've saved somewhere around here.

Patty H. said…
Thank you Tina.
Such pretty items! Just love your words and I can understand how you feel! blessings,Kathleen
Kathie said…
Ahh another Flybaby I see! I started with her 5 years ago when I was diagnosed with BC, it does work if you do the baby steps and do it in small increments. Bless you.

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