30 days of thanks--day10

Due to too much caffeine yesterday, I didnt' sleep well.  I woke about 3 am, wide awake.  So, I decided to read.  I got my bible and opened it to Ephesians 2.  The verse that I had a 'ah ha' moment on was v.14

"For He is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us"

He is our PEACE!!  Today I'm thankful for that PEACE that passeth all understanding. 
And I'm thankful that as a Gentile, I've been grafted into the family of God thru His Son, Jesus Christ.  That's what this whole chapter is about. 

If you'd like to join in on the 30 days of thanks, just click on the button to the right. 


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