I have to admit~~
We have about 6 or so inches on the ground now. Suppose to warm up to the 40's by the weekend.
I was suppose to start my classes yesterday but the college was closed-today also. I'm hoping it will be open tomorrow. I'm ready to get this started. I have had a couple assignment. There is a 'blackboard' thing on the college website that students/teachers can interact, teachers send assignments, etc. It was overwhelming for me when I first went on there but I've been playing around with it and I think I'll get the hang of it all. It's all a scary process for me but I'm really looking forward to what's in store.
Dh and I have to make a decision about health insurance. If we stay with what they are offering thru his work, then it is going to go up, in premium and deductible. And it won't pay ANYTHING until the deductible is met. Nothing. Not even on prescripts. It's so frustrating. Dh has looked into some other plans. Premiums higher, deductible lower, not everything out of pocket. We need to sit down and go over it. Our current insurance ends the end of this month.
I want to thank each of you who read and comment. Hope you continue to visit me.
~~til later