
I can never think of a cute, catchy title for a post. Oh well.

It has been an absolutely gorgeous, summer-like day here. I'm loving it, too!

I've been noticing the 'johnny-jump-ups' on the bank behind our home. Thought I'd take a picture to share with you.

The majority of them were up on the bank but I did find a few scattered lower where I wouldn't have to climb.

I walked around the house to look at my flower beds. Found several of these little snail shells. I thought it was kinda cute.


I love small treasures like this!
Paula said…
Love that tiny little snail shell! And the jump-ups are pretty here this year too... hard to believe the weather we've been having!
I think I have some flowers growing in my back yard like these . I was wondering what they might be. Thanks, enjoyed my visit to your blog. connie

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