Thankful Thursday
I'm thankful today that the snow we got here earlier this week in western NC or at least my area, was at higher elevations.
I'm not quite ready for the cold weather to stay.
I've watched some of the news about the devastation caused by Sandy in the northern states and my thoughts and prayers go out to those people. The weather is something that you just do not underestimate.
My husband is preparing for the hunting season. Would be nice to have some meat in the freezer. I've heard of people canning venison. I may try that if he gets one. That way if the power goesout this winter I won't have to worry about it spoiling in the freezer. Have you ever canned venison? I remember my grandmother would can chicken. It was delicious too!
My job is going very well. I'm still kind of in awe that I have it. So thankful for it. Still trying to get my work/home schedule figured out. I plan to take time this weekend to set some plans and goals to work toward. I know there are so many resources out there to help with this.
Off to finish laundry.
~~til later