Do I dare?

even think of starting this blog back up?

I miss blogging but really feel that I'm talking to myself.
But maybe that is ok.

Maybe I need an where I can get my thoughts out of this mixed up head that doesn't make sense most of the time.


~~til later


Hello, and dont give up blogging. I love to stop by and visit your blog to see how you are and what you are doing!You have such a sweet blog! Wishing you a very happy and peaceful new year! and I hope to see your posts in 2016!!
Lady Jane said…
Hi Patty, I love stopping by your blog, please don't give up. For some reason Light in the Window isn't one of the blogs that pops up in my reader. I looked for a way to sign up for your blog but cant find one. So unless you view mine I never know when you have posted. Hugs, LJ

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