Happy Spring!
Finally! Spring has arrived!
We've been having some beautiful weather this past week. I'm loving the sunshine.
this is a beautiful magnolia tree we saw at the Biltmore House last weekend!
a sweet little wren has built a nest on top of my husbands utility building. I love hearing wren's sing. One of my favorite birds.
I tend to have an anxious mind. Thoughts are going everywhere.
I think of this scripture
We've been having some beautiful weather this past week. I'm loving the sunshine.
this is a beautiful magnolia tree we saw at the Biltmore House last weekend!
a sweet little wren has built a nest on top of my husbands utility building. I love hearing wren's sing. One of my favorite birds.
my husband has started doing more wood working. He made this cute birdhouse! I love it! He has hung it in a tree in our back yard. I'm watching it to see if we have any occupants.
I've been trying to take time to just be still. Not just in body but in mind and spirit as well. It's not an easy thing to do.
I think of this scripture
5 casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ,
2 Corinthians 10:5
I found this "be still" magnet at a local business that is housed in an old building. They have booths for consignment-there is most anything you want! Antiques, oddities, crafts...I get lost in places like this.
This is just a small oblong piece of glass tile with the paper and a magnet glued onto the back.
here is just one of the tutorials I found on how to make them.
~~til later